/Conspiracy/ Girls is a visual novel about cute and funny girls who go around exposing conspiracies, and get into all sorts of trouble for doing so!
Steam release… NOW!
Recent Posts
241205 【Arrogant Young Writer】 is completed at 55163 words! Go read it on Scribblehub nao!
241020 /Conspiracy/ Girls The Showdown Of Madison Delaroux releases on Scribblehub!
240715 【I Shall Now Apply Western RPG Logic Onto Your Xianxia Strategy Game!】releases on RoyalRoad!
230717 HouseDelaroux.com 1-Year Anniversary!
230216 Currently working on AI stuff!
221020 /Conspiracy/ Girls releases on Steam!

The Month In AI (JULY/AUGUST 23’)
Summer ends, PIXIV posting continues!

The Month In AI (June 23’)
We made it for Demo Day 51, but at what cost?

The Month In AI (MAY 23’)
/Heroine Defeat General/, VIRIDIAN design is in progress! Please be patient!


The Month In AI (APR 23’)
This wasn’t a triumph. But I know when to fold a bad hand and deal a new one.

Aluber, Jester of Despia LORA
I made an Aluber LORA! It came out surprisingly good! Now, to work on SUPERINTERESTING and my other projects…

The Month In AI (MAR 23’)
It was a fruitful month. Can we go even further and beyond next month?

/Conspiracy/ Girls, But All AI!
In which Author-kun shares some of his success in the AI world, starting with all five LORAs for the main girls of /Conspiracy/ Girls!

AI Training Log: Sachiko
In which Author-kun trains a LORA to recreate characters from his visual novel, /Conspiracy/ Girls, Sachiko edition!

AI Training Log: Oracion
In which Author-kun trains a LORA to recreate characters from his visual novel, /Conspiracy/ Girls!

My Beautiful Daughters…! IF Drawn By Redjuice!
A small childhood dream came true, ala HBK’s dream. My daughters, O’ my beautiful daughters!

The Great Ethics in AI Debate (Field Report)
The Great Ethics in AI Debate! Is this AI Art? Has Science Gone Too Far? 90% of autists guess wrong!

The Making of T-KAWAII
Making AI Art is fun. I detail the journey of me going through different arts before landing on a cool female terminator design.

New Years Funtime with Lisa
“Now we’re talking!” - Author-kun

Author-Kun's First Foray Into Training AI
It looks much better when scaled down, I swear!
The OG Steam Demo!
The original free-to-play demo which started it all.
It is, dare I say it, SOVL?