House Delaroux PTCG Rating Scale

Executive Summary: I post House Delaroux’s Pokemon Trading Card Game Rating Scale for the very first time! I use it mostly to grade cards on their future meta-effectiveness with Grok! If you like it, why not drop me a line below and tell me what you think? Sometimes I post Pokemon videos on my youtube channel, do check @HourBeforeCurtains out!

I worked out this scale with Grok! (Thanks Grok!) It is partially based on the Limited Resources Podcast scale from ‘'that other card game’’!

Grok and I actually worked out our evaluations for the ‘'Triumphant Light’’ set already, but I was busy, so I didn’t have time to post it! I do have time now! So please stay tuned as I slowly post our set evaluation type by type! We shall start first with the Trainers, and links will be gradually added here!



#PokemonTCG, #TriumphantLight, #HouseDelaroux, #AIvsHuman, #ptcg #pockettcg #Pokémon #tcgpokemon #tcgpocket #pokemonpocket #pokemontcgpocket

The Month In Dramaturgy~! [JAN C.Y +5]