Six Weeks, Six Weeks Is All I Have To Play With You


They BLACKED Wesker? Is there no evil these globalist heathens will not do? You know, I have this weird theory that all these vidya remakes are an attempt to rewrite history and make Wesker black. It's obviously because Hildawg is STILL butthurt over Gamergate getting Trump elected. That's why Larry's randomly swinging at every beloved franchise and ordering remakes, but censored and Naive Angeled.

This theory is definitely going into the book trailer.!

And get the fish oils!

Well, I finally did it. I got myself a website domain.!

Or more accurately, I got my (((advocate))) to set it all up for me. I just provide the kusoposts and funny pictures. At the very worst case, the website is another bunker, otherwise I'll be hiding out in the /agdg/ board laughing at Cris-chan.

For a gigantic kusopost, Anya likes this show very much. It's been quite the trip down memory lane; because I had to copy and paste the posts in manually from my old website to this one. Reading my old posts I found that I planned for a June/July release, with the bikini episode. Well... That... has changed because the art is still trickling in. That's the downside of only using one artist, you are still waiting for the art. Ideally, I would have multiple artists who can follow a single style, but we don't have the luxury or time for that for now. Maybe in the future. Also, if I do get around to doing the bikini episode, I still have to hire another artist since the mainline one doesn't do NSFW.

Everything hinges on my getting artist concepts out to the artists this week for another art wave. Backgrounds, Avalon, Morganna, Sachiko. These are the things I need to get done by this week. All of them the difficult ones because I can't just simply COM3D2 them up. Morganna was the most successful one, and the one I love the most, but I have a feeling I will need to change up her design a bit for storyline purposes.

The Base Sprites Are Complete!

In other news, the base sprites for the main characters/ antagonists are complete! Madison is still missing her alternate poses, but those will come in soon. I had a really huge scare when my mainline artist fell ill, and stressed out the last two weeks along with him, but I'm really glad that he's alright now and I don't have to change ship captains midway. I greatly appreciate all the artists I work with, serial kusoposters and all. Having good, long working relationships is the road to success.

The art style does feel much more anime-like than the original more gritty-real style I envisioned for the Bylon arc, but the New Coimbra arc I am writing is much more comical, so it fits. There's a whole story behind that where Oracion's final design pulled the trigger on the complete ship turn to comedy. That more (real) style is still retained in the Shadowcourt scenes and various (((magick))) scenes, so I'm kind of glad that the contrast is still there. Annalie still retains the exact same sprite as she did, which I think is hilarious and a funny callback to the original demo. It helps that it's the one closest in artstyle to everyone else here too.

Deadlines Are Scary

I'm starting to feel the pressure of the deadlines now, I can't be deadbeating all the time and barely have time to play Genshin or anything else for that matter. It's login, do comissions in 10 minutes, then log off. Meeting the deadline is more important now, but with EP1 nearing perfection, I am aiming for the double clotheline takedown of finishing EP2's rewrite this week, Ep4's final fight scene by the month's end, which will dovetail nicely with me working on the last episode in August. Art should come in at this point for Madison, so I can submit the game to Gabe sometime in late August, which will fit my Oct release timeline.

Will this work...? It seems reasonable, but knowing how scary deadlines are, I already have a couple of backup ideas planned. But won't compromise the vision of the game by cutting parts of it and only releasing them through updates, so only the full half of the New Coimbra arc being released will satisfy me. Work, work!

Last Scene

The thing I realized while reworking EP2 was that although the script writing process was a LOT smoother (the characters are so well-defined by now), the "hard" elements of visual novel writing, copying the script and renaming the actors and stage directions still take the same amount of time. Some mechanical processes will always take the same amount of time to do. It's like Floo normal summoning Robina (FLOCK FLOO) and doing their whole snazzy combo.

It's time to work. Get the Fish Oils, Super Male Vitality, and funky Alex Jones remixes...!

Written 220722




Twas' The Night Before Adventure