Oishi no Ko

As I write this, I am having 『IDOL』by YOASOBI piped through my earphones. I just finished watching Oshi no Ko and there is this surge of feelings towards the show.

The show talks about the life of Hoshino Ai and her children who are caught up in the entertainment (idol) business. For the first season, it revolves around the theme of 'lies'. In particular the 'lie' that idols put up for their audience of a perfect performer.

Having been on the stage before, I can say that there definitely is a facade and demand that those who grace the theater stage to be on perfect performance at all times, even off the stage. This isn't just a stage this, its a social thing.

My answer to that has always been: "There's nothing that I would not say on the stage that I wouldn't say off the stage."

Right no Oshi no Ko is nearing its final arc and that question is being examined again: was Ai pretending to be happy all the time that she was on the stage? Thinking about this question gave me chills, because I remember asking myself those same questions on stage as well. I have no doubt that I was happy being on stage, but as the people, arena and atmosphere of the stage slowly drifted apart, I ask myself again: was I happy up until the end, or was I putting up a façade like Hoshino Ai?

To that, I will keep the answer with myself, but because I went through this arc myself, I can say with great confidence that Oshi no Ko has a happy ending.

To be honest, I would like to return to the stage myself at some point. It coincides with me wanting to write a partial memoir of my time there, though I am unsure what form it should take. I have an idea of merging it with my research into vtubing, telling the story of a certain Hoshino-like dragging people into her Theater-Speaking Club in Haruhi Suzumiya style. It'll allow me to conceal certain hearts of the story while having it make sense.

Obviously, it will have to wait for the Lewdicron to be finished, so all plans will have to wait until FEB before they can be started, but I have already started talking with Viola and preparing notes on character design. (sorry to give you so much stress Viola~)

Perhaps I will do some vtubing to get a feel for how it all works as well.

TENTATIVE: /ASP/iring to be vtubers?






Mato and Maho