Week of 9/25 Progress Report


Week three of writing progress! This week I was working on the key scenes of the /Conspiracy/ Girls; rather than work chapter by chapter, I decided to work on the scenes that I wanted to convey first.

I've been listening to a podcast called "Fiction Writing Made Easy" and found inspiration in the "6 Scenes Every Thriller Novel Needs" episode. It details the three scenes that every novel needs, so in a thriller, which I think my VN falls under, there needs to be a:

  • 1) crime discovered scene

  • 2) stakes personal scene

  • 3) protagonist learns what the antagonist wants and why, becomes proactive in facing the antagonist

  • 4) scene where protagonist learns or does something which sets them up to be the antagonist's final victim

  • 5) protagonist is at the mercy of the antagonist

  • 6) ending scene where readers find out if justice prevailed or not

In /Conspiracy/ Girls, I planned for two major arcs which connect with each other.

In the first Arc, Madison arrives in New Coimbra with the glowies hot on her tail, but she also steps on the tail of the Lord Protector of Vespana, which allows her to pit the two parties looking for her against each other. 

In the second arc, Ayano investigates closer into the glowies, and she gets sent to an asylum, so that sets up key scene 5, where everything is connected and explained right before Madison busts into the asylum and btfos the glowies.

Thinking about scenes like this makes for a smoother writing experience, because for most of these scenes I already had an idea in mind to write them. The scene where I had some difficulty with was the "crime discovered" scene, /Conspiracy/ Girls isn't a mystery novel like Umineko, so there are no murders... Not in the first arc at least. So the murders are probably gonna have to be committed by Madison? And Madison is the real antagonist all along? What a shocker...

In any case, I think /Conspiracy/ Girls is closer to a spy thriller than a murder mystery thriller, in fact, it's difficult to box it in, I think it's more a magical conspiracy thriller, something like Railgun, which I adore very much.

The winds are good this week, I think I'll continue writing.

And so the story of /Conspiracy/ Girls continues to be written.


Written 210925


Week of 10/4 Progress Report


Week of 9/25 Progress Report