The last two months have been the most productive on the PIXIV side, but I am still not satisfied, we can go even further and beyond!

The Month in PIXIV!


Weekly Roundup Week Of 231106

Weekly Roundup Week Of 231113

Weekly Roundup Week of 231120

Weekly Roundup Week Of 231127


Weekly Roundup Week of 231203

Weekly Roundup Week of 231210

Weekly Roundup Week of 231218

Weekly Roundup Week of 231225

This is Viola.

Surprise, I am writing 'Ths Month In AI'. I don't write as well as Author-kun, so short sentences. This month was a month of highs and lows. Highs because I hit the 1000+ follower count, which gave me confidence to go forward; lows because somewhere in the middle I got hit by burnout. A little stressed out about how to continue making art.

Recently I started using some discarded chatbots to autotranslate discord messages into my language. Its fun hanging out with people with similar interests, but I rarely speak, and Author-kun rarely posts either.

Evaluating November Plans

October was a pretty good month for consistency. The 2-major, 1-minor posting train has not stopped, though I think I will relegate the 1-minor piece and fold it into Weekly Roundup once Viola starts doing requests. The reason is that the HouseDelaroux PIXIV is mostly known for its bondage art, people might get confused if there's too much seiso art.

On the writing side, there is surprisingly less progress than I would like. Mostly because I have stalled a bit on the early life of Madison and Sachiko. I think that there will be loose one-shot pieces from here on out, but not a continuous series as I had hoped. It was really difficult meshing conspiracies and vtubing, so much that it felt like a forced meme and retreading a lot of things that were special to Madness.

However! In the background I was doing some concepting for an alternate version of /HDG/, coming your way soon on PIXIV novels! A minor goal would be to post short scenes (under ~800 words) every weekend like a weekend anime, and eventually scenes can become episodes. Work is in progress. LORAs, concepting and a lot of thinking in the background.

I haven’t given up my idea for doing a Codex Lewdicum where I summarize the year of doing AI art, but I need to pour all my experience in one place first. And it is only through doing AI art again and again that I relearn the old lessons that I have forgotten.


Evaluating December Plans

On 231212, I opened the House Delaroux Patreon. I barely advertise it, but I think its a start. I keep thinking about the stuff that I want to bring that is extra, and that might take a bit more time than I thought. I am constantly thinking about how to expand my reach without wearing myself out. I frequent youtube alot, so there might be something there. I'll have to draw up a proper plan for it.

The /Cu/lt Patreon could do with some help. I'll need to setup a proper base, proper rewards, and a proper structure. Stuffing all the planning stuff to Author-kun won't cut it because he is busy with his shipping obligations

I entered a few contests in the month of November, but nothing really came out of it. I discovered that there are very little in way of contests that I am interested in. It would be nice to get some recognition, but I won't bend out of my way to do seiso stuff or stuff I am simply not interested in to get it.

I guess I could start by leaving some good reviews of my LORA/model usage. Author-kun doesn't really bother with this and I frequent CIVITAI enough that I could drop a few simple sentences here and there.


Last Word

"Lewd comedy about intergalatical kidnappers. Powered by memes, AI, bondage!"

Once again, a lot of work. But now that I am doing the things that I like, writing and making art, I think I can go far further than when I was making the original /HDG/.

It is time to expand beyond PIXIV, I definitely have stamina to go beyond my usual 2 sets, I can go into more complex art like live2d/animations, maybe post a little on youtube or CIVITAI.

Author-kun & GMVio


Mato and Maho


Nouvelle Research Central