Still Writing Conspiracy Girls

It's been a few months since "Conspiracy Girls" was released on Steam. Writing it was a few months of blood, sweat and tears for a really short 45 minute romp through the mind of Madison Delaroux. If you came here and haven't read it before, go check it out here!

In the end, was it worth it?

Yes. For me. Even now, I am still writing a follow up to "Conspiracy Girls", still following the misadventures of Madison and Ayano as they expose conspiracies all around the New Continent!

I still love the characters, and writing about conspiracies still make me laugh. It's a dark dark world out there, whatever dystopian world the future holds, I still think there are still a lot of my kind of people, and I want to write for them. Perhaps you too will find something to laugh at in this absolute Clownworld.

As it happens, I still haven't had a home visit from the glowies, haven't had newkama try to shut me down nor signed any confidential pacts with daedric forces to keep silent or be thrown into the Cochlea. (I'll update here and let you know if any of the above happens)

I think I'll be alright.

Laugh, it's fun!


Written 210710


Week of 9/11 Progress Report