Stay Classy, Bois

>post yfw you didn't get distracted by the war

Another week, another week of working on my book. I changed tack a little, rather than working on the deCoomer arc which is honestly not going anywhere (at least, not up to my high standards of writing), I started working on inputting rest of the script editor-san approved into Visual Novel Maker.

I kind of have a sense of pacing these days. I know how fast I can go; at sonic speeds, I can easily input an episode a day, then have nameswaps and sprites setup within the next two days. However, it is also spring, so I'll be be doing some farmwork on the side; book-writing progress may be slow, but I can easily turn off my brain and work visual novel maker; it's a more mechanical than thinking process for me.

Reading through the New Coimbra arc still makes me laugh, which is a good sign. I think I really took the deCoomer arc a little too seriously and went astray from my original intent of the book, resulting in the deCoomer arc looking much more darker than the gag-filled New Coimbra arc.

/Conspiracy/ Girls isn't really about making a message, it's a story about cute and funny girls who expose conspiracies and get into all sorts of trouble for it!

I'll come back to the deCoomer arc with a bit more planning. Currently I am testing out a concept where the girls do an Alex Jones and try to crash an influential forum of Controllists, uninvited of course.

On the plus side, this was a really fruitful week, both for the farm and the book, I didn't get distracted by the war as promised, and I do miss all the cute vtubers ever since my VPN died, but this is fine. Mostly.

I'm not completely ignorant, so I know that fertilizer is going to be a big thing, but the farm is mostly self-sufficient so we'll be okay... I think.

Anyway, I'll be using Patreon as a blog from now on to post updates.

Book when? Soon, friends! I definitely feel like I can make the June/July dateline if I start contacting artists now.

Here's to a good week ahead of us, and no thermonuclear warfare.

Written 220306


Working Through The Scenes


As You Can See, I Am Not Dead!