One Year Anniversary

One Year Anniversary

Well, today marks the one year since /Conspiracy/ Girls first hit Steam. For a side project that I thought would just tide me through the Corona months, it's become a rather large project for me that occupies most of my waking time. (laugh) I simply enjoy writing about memes, cute and funny girls and the internet in general.

We still in the Guilty Crown timeline? Goddamnit.

I honestly thought I would go back to business consulting, but I found this to be much more soothing. For the first time in many years, I am writing for myself, and I am happy doing so. Thanks to everyone who hangs out here in Discord, and thanks to Editor-san, who put up with my idiocrasies and general laziness. While you won't hear this because you aren't a discord txxxxy, I still will give thanks to you. (I'll thank you properly later...)

Well then! Tbh I already finished the first Coimbra arc, but I am still writing more, because I want to, but I really want to get a deadline out. It will definitely not release in Autumn this year! It HAS to release in the summer, so I'm thinking May/June. Why?! Because Episode 6 is a bikini episode (despite Madness taking place in Autumn of [CURRENT YEAR])!

It... it's thematic! I don't have a bikini episode because I'm a pervert of anything, I swear...!

All writing is stopping for now to fix up a small prototype which goes up to the end of EP4, to test out my ideas and to give a working model with COM3D2 models. Not for public consumption, mind you, just something that works so that I can have peace of mind working further down. Also will be fun to get feedback from everyone who reads the beta and see how the plot evolves from here.

To a most prosperous new year, and LONG LIVE KAISER REINHARDT!

Written 220128


As You Can See, I Am Not Dead!


Week of 10/4 Progress Report