On Schedule!

"AHEM! FUCK Tri-Brigade!" --- Madison, probably


Oh boy, what a two weeks. The cold southern winds have finally come home, mosquitos are abound in the swamp nearby and everyone's getting the malaria, Author-kun included; though I suppose that's more on him taking twenty cups of coffee in three days. Anyone would get coffee poisoning that way...!

But these two weeks have been pretty good, coffee poisoning aside.

On Schedule

I am quite aware of my capabilities and I am running through the stage movements one episode a week. After bouncing back from coffee poisoning, I kept fronting and finally finished the stage movements for EP3! This is a major milestone, since EP3 is one of the episodes that I like very much.

While doing the stage movements, I really saw a lot of plot holes that I have to cover up with an episode 1.5 that explains more of the background of the plot. It won't affect progress too much, I'll get to work on it and the bikini episode when I am commissioning art. The storyline is pretty much locked on at this point, Madison Delaroux, our conspiracy-chaser is being harassed by glowies from every direction, and the only thing I have to decide is whether one or two groups of glowies are harassing her...!

Thinking About Art

I really want to finish all the stage movements by next week so I can work on getting art guides out for whoever is going to draw my stuff, but I'm not going to hold my breath. My estimated time to finish the stage movements will be mid-april, and another week to do up the art stuff.

It would be good for me to brush up on my drawing skills too, even though I am using COM3D2 to do some initial concepting, I don't want it to look TOO similar, so I'll have to add in the whizz bangs and fizzles myself artwise. Hopefully this works...

As I get closer to finishing the stage movements, I am starting to think about the artwork. What kind of style do I want it to be in? Well, I definitely want it to be in the anime style, and as close to COM3D2 as possible. It might be a little hard to find an artist who will work long term with me, even if I throw wads of cash at them, so I'll have to take this slowly. I might not have much of an option in terms of artists (laugh). It's more of who's avaliable, who's contactable, and who's the closest to understanding what [Conspiracy Girls] is all about! If it's a memelord, that's great, but someone I can work with is important!


The coffee poisoning really threw me off track a little, and I was supposed to record the podcast as I got ill; well that's too bad! I think that this will derail me quit a bit, so I'll have to shelve the podcast to a bi-weekly schedule until after April, where I am just refining the game and waiting on the art, that's when I'll do the podcast. I haven't invested deeply into this yet, but I think it's something I want to do, maybe I'll talk about my adventures in Master Duel if I ever get bored of talking about [Conspiracy Girls]?

I get the feeling my body has been rejecting the idea of a podcast, maybe it's just outta gas. Another reason to delay the podcast until a later date.


Well, that's about it for this week. Slow and steady progress! The more I write, the closer I think I am to my goal!

Written 220327


Once Again From the Top of Hexagon


Working Through The Scenes