/SHOWDOWN/ Chapter 15: "Then that white hand on your shoulder, is real right?!"
This short moment didn’t even exist in the original draft, I added it in after I made this picture (laugh). Prinz, why you gotta go and do that! Now I can’t just axe you from the story!
I guess this is also Galopin’s default pose if a visual novel version of /Showdown/ is ever made. It really is is a nice pose… Sometimes I think that Annalie and Rufti overlap on each other’s domains, but they are really different charas, so that’s okay!
"Trick or triaaaaaccckkkk—-!!!"
For people who don’t realize it, the backstage leads to the basement. That’s how the Auctioneer moved the goods into the Red Room. Oracion simply moved from the Control Room to the Red Room while everyone got baited by Madison… Again!
If you realize it, Oracion always gets a win against the main antagonist of the arc, and immediately jobs afterwards! 50-50 booking! The scourge of World Writing Entertainment!