Scribbles On Comedy

I went down south for a friend's comedy debut, it really was a breath of fresh air. I can't remember how long since I've laughed like that. It was a small club, the name was of little import, and the audience was mostly friends and family members, but what really struck me was this:

The people who went on stage joked about everything--- EVERYTHING!

Sex, masturbation, and the occasional racist joke or two, but hey, it was all in good fun, and nobody was scared of being called a racist and being called up to fight a banker's war or anything. That's what I really liked about the atmosphere, it was free for a relief.

Well, there were odd moments where the announcer was jokingly going "well this might get us cancelled" and a comic or two came up with the disclaimer "I'm not racist BUUUT", but overall, it was a really good atmosphere.

I really do think that's what comedy is, the ability to joke about everything and anything. If you are afraid of having to offend someone when you get up on stage; well, darling, you're going to offend SOMEONE,otherwise, you are doing it wrong! There's always that fine line between insulting someone and making a joke at another's expense, and I know that. (KNOW THAT? I LIVED that!) I spent most of my youth doing safe jokes, clean jokes, family friendly jokes, people loved them, but I really couldn't feel it after a few years of doing that. There always was the fear of crossing that line, and I always felt inadequate; one day if I cross the line are THEY going to cancel me too? It wasn't my schizo paranoia talking, it was a really real fear I had that predated twitterfags by years.

I thought about my work now, especially /HDG/ and it is plagued by those very same fears. I thought I had assuaged those fears by doing something explicit, so anyone who sees it by legal right HAS to be overage, but there are a lot of overaged babies in the world, and most of them tried to cancel Pikamee. What I really should have done is to give them a good ol' finger and Descartes and go along my merry way. Who care if the protagonists are villains? Who cares if their aims are completely fucked up? I want to write a story that I wouldn't be ashamed of, and I keep reminded myself: It has to be something that I like.

And hopefully it is something YOU like.

"You should be able to joke about anything." That's how I feel about being a comic. If I offended you, then GOOD, because I'm doing my job right! So HAVE A NICE DAY!




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