The Month In AI FEB, MAR, APR, MAY 24'

"Woah, Author-kun, woah! Did you expect me to read that?"

Domo, domo, Author-kun des. It has been a sashiburi long time. A lot of things have changed. I hired Viola-chan, and she now wants me to call her sensei. I'm writing again, and I have an idea to do visual novels on youtube. Somehow I am making music and music videos, its very fun desu.

@GMVio Is Now House Delaroux's Art Director

We left off the story when Viola-chan and I wanted to break off for a bit, mostly because we were both afraid of influencing each other's work. Io-sensei is very conscious that House Delaroux is mostly seiso after all, she hangs out with me a lot, so she knows me very well.

It has been four years since we first met. So much has happened, and it was really a certain music video that made me realize that I should cherish the people who have stuck by me; they could be here today and flying on a plane tomorrow. So I made an offer to Io-sensei to be the inhouse artist while she keeps her job at the meido cafe.

Sometimes I think Io-sensei overworks herself, but she has a good handle on her stress handles, so it should be okay. Might not be a good idea to overwork her either, since the one taking care of Io-sensei will have to be me in the end... (sweat)

In the last month, Io-sensei has taken over a lot of things that I handled solo, mostly storyboarding and concept art. It is really freeing to be able to just concentrate on writing; knowing that Io-sensei like her PIXIV crowd very much (so do I), there's nothing in our contract that says she has to work on House Delaroux stuff exclusively, so she can go take commissions as long as my own work is done on time.

@Making Music

"You're a musician now, Harry!" - Hagrid, probably

The wheel of technology turns, and great music making tools have finally landed on the internet. While I am mostly an open-source kind of guy, music is really exciting and unexplored frontiers that I have never treaded on. A year ago it was art, now its music.

I made my very first tracks and I'm impressed, music making (at least the lyrics) feels very similar to writing, and I think I can adapt well to it. Its just a matter of upping my musical knowledge like knowing what kind of instruments and genres are being present in songs. Already I am thinking about the components of a song when I play my favorite tracks on an ipod, so I definitely look forward to making more funny songs!

In May, I released "Oh Midas" and "Fuyoman Destroy" after two separate bursts of inspiration. It is really rare that I have this sort of clarity of vision. I am very thankful for the people who make me laugh, it is the best kind of inspiration!

In the pipeline is a private track called "Goats in the Golden Land" and the upcoming Eldlich homete tune "Eldlich .Trap". SOON!


I have been doing exploratory design for this for a long time now. It is an unheard of concept: A visual novel in youtube form. I note that a lot of video editing is very much similar to how a visual novel is made. If I can present parts of a visual novel in youtube form, choice and dialogue trees and all, I can make a visual novel truly episodic and interactive by playing off audience reaction on youtube? Its still very experimental, but I hope to have a short or something to demonstrate this Motion Nouvelle concept by the end of June.

Last Word

These are exciting times, all this new technology coming out. I've been doing my internet wanderer bit and letting Algo-tan lead me where it goes. I have not been disappointed so far, I want to meet more interesting people and make more interesting things! And I hope that Io-sensei will help me get there, we both are GMI!




Umineko Goat Solves: Five Little Pigs Book 1


Oracion’s Morning